3.21K viewsGlass
3.21K viewsGlass

I’m sure it’s pretty impossible to do but I’m hoping from the style you can give me an “around” age. It’s very “ruffly” and not asimetrical on all sides
It’s about 10″ high, heavy for it’s size No marks or siggys just glass
[url=http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.php?i=43&u=17904472]http://i10.servimg.com/u/f10/17/90/44/72/img_4010.jpg[/img][/url] [url=http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.php?i=44&u=17904472]http://i10.servimg.com/u/f10/17/90/44/72/img_4011.jpg[/img]


thank you..I love glass and didn’t realize how much good heavy pieces can go for


Yeah the glass piece is very nice it is very simple but very graceful…


it is beautiful, almost like something Fenton could of made with the ruffled top over 100 yrs ago.


Thank you..regardless it’s really a pretty piece


Boy oh Boy!!!! You are right! This is something that could of been made 100 years ago or yesterday. Sorry I can’t help. It looks like what they call an “end of day piece” with the different color’s like that.

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