3.03K viewsGlass
3.03K viewsGlass

Recently acquired unusual Depression Glass Salt/Pepper in box of Junk that would appear to be Anchor Hocking Pink Open Rose Footed.
Always wondered if there was one out there, collected that pattern since 1967 when “pink glass” sold by the box! Sending Photo(s), please advise.

Anonymous Changed status to publish January 18, 2020

Thanx for the “direction” for my search, my hunt continues for Footed Open Rose Pink S&P! My “new” one is Adam pattern, the small band of roses at the top of the fluted body threw me off. GoAntiques.com had a listing with photo that did the job.
Listing was confusing, quantity listed as 1, price 100.00. Not sure if this “1” is the pair shown or a single shaker. Either way not a bad return for 5 minutes work at an Estate sale, cost 50 cents. rfc

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Anonymous Changed status to publish January 18, 2020

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