2.03K viewsGlass
2.03K viewsGlass

what is the history behind these gorgeous glass pieces that stand about 36″ tall??


most of those were made by L.E. Smith Glass co. in the late 1950ties-1960’s. Viking Glass produced quite a few also but thicker. Made to hold one rose or bunch of flowers etc. I have sold them mostly to young people who get a kick out of using them to serve wine. The tallest I have had was 30in. They are popular and I sell quite a few. It’s something the younger people like. They come in beautiful color’s. and are called swung vases. L. E. Smith has been in business for over 100 years and I think still in business. I sell mine for $18.to $37.00 depending on height and color. Have a good day!

kjwinks Changed status to publish January 23, 2020
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