1.33K viewsGlass
1.33K viewsGlass

I have done all the research that I could possibly do on it and have come up with these…embossed bottlers name and city that it was bottled in. Elliot & Co Bottlers Port Arthur Ont. It is a very light amber or sometimes it looks like a light purple;) I also feel like it was B.I.M because there are no seams running up to the top of the lip. It looks like a crown top .I am having a hard time with the bottom because it is kinda thick on some sides and thinner on the other. No capacity amount a guess would be 27-32 oz Many, many bubbles embedded in the glass as well as several seed bubbles. It also has very thick uneven seams.
I need help to identify the year and value of this bottle. It says Elliot & Co Bottler’s Port Arthur Ont.:S It stands 11.5in tall POSSIBLY SODA:huh: I am really a green horn when it comes to bottles I just started collecting…have a lot to learn.

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