I got two oil lamps in a very good condition (seem to be never used), but there are no labels and I know nothing about their origin. I googled and found out that similar lamps were fabricated in the 19th century/beginning of the 20th century, but I’m not sure about mine. Also, I would appreciate any feedback regarding their value. Thank you!
Its notoriously difficult to date lamps of any kind !! The way lamps are made whether oil or electric,,the mfr that made the glass does not also make the metal parts !! These would be two different mfrs !! Usually the lamps are just assembled at the last mfr !! Parts are ordered according to what is the popular seller of the day !!
I think yours would be about 1920 or so !! Look on ebay to see what similar lamps are selling for !! Not asking prices but what people are actually paying !!