2.37K viewsGlass
2.37K viewsGlass

Another mystery piece that my husband picked up from an antiques and collectibles shop in North Eastern North Carolina. The only identifying mark is a gold sticker that reads “Made is Austria”. Might be blown glass, fairly thin. The narrow end has a metal attachment with a tip/lever that when pressed retracts (similar to a self-watering faucet attachment for dogs, but it does not move that freely). Perhaps something used in a science lab? I can post additional photos. Any information will be much appreciated. Thank you ~ Annie :huh: [img size=499]https://kovels.com/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/100_1316.JPG[/img]


Yhe car vases in the catalog are pressed, and the wrong shape, this would be difficult to put the standard metal holder on, too, plus the fixture at the bottom isn’t part of a car vas.

It’s part of a wine dispenser.

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