2.35K viewsGlass
2.35K viewsGlass

Another mystery piece that my husband picked up from an antiques and collectibles shop in North Eastern North Carolina. The only identifying mark is a gold sticker that reads “Made is Austria”. Might be blown glass, fairly thin. The narrow end has a metal attachment with a tip/lever that when pressed retracts (similar to a self-watering faucet attachment for dogs, but it does not move that freely). Perhaps something used in a science lab? I can post additional photos. Any information will be much appreciated. Thank you ~ Annie :huh: [img size=499]https://kovels.com/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/100_1316.JPG[/img]


Missing the rack that this would be suspended from – narrow end hangs down – put wine glass under push up , tip retracts and wine goes in the glass

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