4.89K viewsGlass
4.89K viewsGlass

Value of Jeannette Iridescent Pear Shaped Candy Dish, Carnival Glass, Marigold, Vintage, Table Decor, Fruit Decor


I can remember when during the height of Depression glass and Carnival glass sales there were tons of the new stuff on the market !! Many dealers with less than reputable ethics sold it as vintage originals !! And now with some age on the imported pieces it is difficult for the buyer to tell what is original and what is not !!
Furniture is my main area,, think I will just stay with what I know !!


Thanks Martha for the suggestions. The originals were 40’s but like so many other things, they have been copied and mass produced and imported from china. They are a inexpensive flora gold and not a true carnival glass. And your right about the color difference, and approx. date of the flora gold ones they are 70’s+ and many are sold for just a few dollars.


Ha!! Finally a glass person here !! Thanks for the correction !! I did not check current ebay sales only a few of the other sites which tend to always be on the higher side !! And these were reproduced in the 70`s and early 80`s,, not by Jeanette but other mfrs !! There is a slight color difference in the newer ones !!

If I may make a suggestion,, please use “reply” rather than the comment section !! If you comment it does not show up on the forum titles so no one will know you answered !! A reply will bring that topic up to the top and highlight it !!



These are very common and easy to find. If selling this, depending where you will be selling it they sell on the internet between $8.00 and $20.00. The $8 wholesale or auction price, such as eBay. Many offered but many did not sell. The $20.00 is a retail price. This is an average price of several retail sites. Lovely 1940’s candy dish.


Remember to mark it up a bit if you are going to sell it !! People like to dicker on price !!

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