2.24K viewsGlass
2.24K viewsGlass

I have been given a collection of hand blown hand cut glass that was also etche by hand. The reason I know is because I have looked closely at each piece and even being the same design no two are exactly alike. Rim size base size stem height. In a very suttle way no two are exactly the same. This collection has got to be pre1900 due to the fact that it was passed down three generations that combined exceed 150 yrs. but I have no clue who made it or the time frame it was made in. There’s a plate and a bowl with gold leaf rim and when a light is put on it from an upper angle the gold shine travels through the plate and eliminated the border cut on the flower etching in the middle. It looks like the cut is at just the right angle that it is the end of the transfer of the gold shine and throws the shine upward so as you walk around the plate the main beam of lite transfers through to make the whole putter edge shine and you would have to think the cut is also painted on its putter cut. But no when you look directly down from the top there is no gold shimmer just the darker black from the lead in the glass. Hard to describe but I’m sure true passionate people that love the beauty and artistic nature of the glass. I love it and I like to play music on the rims lol. Anyway I’m reaching out hoping some one can enlighten me on these facts of who and when this was made. If you need more pictures I’ll be glad to take them and post them just ask and thank you


This is etched glass not cut glass !! Cant see it close enough to tell what it looks like but it has been factory produced from the 1800`s !! Factories may have had dozens of decorators that did the etching,, that is why you see variations in the pattern !! One person does not do it all,, may have been two or three different decorators all working on the same pattern !! Most of the patterns were simple florals with some decorative accents !! Back in the 1960`s service stations gave you an etched glass with a fill up of gas !! Many collected sets of them !! many were imported to the U.S.!!
As to the age you can not go by the age of the person who owned them,, you have to go by the date they acquired them and the date made,, no matter the age of the person !!
In other words they can have passed them down to their son or daughter and then to their son or daughter but still the glasses can not be older than when they were made and the person purchased them originally !!
Hope this is not too confusing !!
This is a pretty common selling tactic ” owned by 3d generation of same family” !! Makes it sound a lot older than they actually are !! Or they will say “passed down through 3 generations of the same family” !! While it is the truth,, they fail to say when the item was purchased !!

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