2.99K viewsGlass
2.99K viewsGlass

I have been trying to research the value of this piece. I know it is Northwood, Three Fruits pattern, 7 1/2″ plate. It has basket pattern on the back. It is basically white, but has a brown wash of some sort on the front which highlights the pattern. I can find nothing online that sounds like this color. Any help out there?


Thank you so much for your help. I was really at a loss to find the info I needed.


Thanks for the photo have to have them to give out correct info. your piece is by Northwood called Three Fruits Medallion with three leaves in the center rather than cherries which is called just Three fruits, The coloration is called nutmeg stained custard value in this market $70.00 – $90.00 🙂


When I first made this post, it wouldn’t allow me to post the picture. Kept saying the file was too big. For some reason it worked today. Thank you for trying and I hope you can help. [img size=300]https://kovels.com/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/DSCF0041.JPG[/img]


Would need photos of your piece to help

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