4.60K viewsGlass
4.60K viewsGlass

I am trying to find out the age of those two wine goblets. It seems each part was made separately and then put together as one piece. Also the glass itself it is not clear. In some parts is darker and in some parts lighter.
Can anyone help?


Student made but still a good piece i will say.. 🙂


Thanks for your update. They really stand out and the colours are different too. I don’t think there is a second pair somewhere out there!


Personally I like the items that are somewhat imperfect !! Makes them interesting !! I would keep them too !!


Now when you mentioned that it does make a point as the other goblet is slightly smaller and has less different marks on the corona.
Thank you for your answer.
Will keep them anyway.


No idea !! Not very well made !! Looks more like student glass !! Someone just learning the trade !!

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