4.51K viewsGlass
4.51K viewsGlass

[color=#000000]The former owner of these lovely 6.5″ tall vases claims these are Yellow Vaseline Vases. At the time, I did not have my black light with me and probably should not have bought them. But that’s beside the point.

Can Vaseline ever loose it’s opalescent value? Does anyone know who and what time period a company that made look-alike Vaseline? One vase weight 8.0 oz, and are 3/16 of an inch thick. The design reminds me of pressed cut glass. Any help will be appreciated. Judy of NookCove



Did you check them after you bought them with the black light ?? I think you have EAPG ,, not vaseline glass !! The color is not correct and since the uranium was used to make the glass itself I see no way it could lose its florescence !!

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