7.08K viewsJewelry
7.08K viewsJewelry

Inherited this necklace/broach. Could it be bone or just plastic? Fairly light weight, and about 2.5 inches in height.
I love it but concerned about care of it if it is something other than plastic. Regardless I’m sure only a cord when worn as a necklace? I don’t think I would put a clasp back on it.
There, added photos! There is texture to the piece, and ‘striations’ on the back. If it is plastic its well done to look like bone or something.
Any opinions would be welcome! Thanks.


The bottom is shiny as well. In fact that is what had me wondering, I can feel the ‘striations’ and see some discoloration at the edges of what seem like cracks. But yet it seems “plastic like”. Thank you for the black light tip, I’ll try that.
Also do you think it’s worth getting an appraisal? I took it by a local jeweler, who didn’t know what it was, but offered to buy it… No thanks says I. I love it. Its very unique I think. At least in my tiny world, lol.


Thanks for the pics !! Can you feel those striations or ridges ?? About 95% sure this is a cast resin piece !! They are making many things from a mixture of resin and bone powder !! This has a slick shiny look and does not have the coloration within the striations that you normally see with a bone carving !! Look at the bottom edge and see if it has the same shiny look as the main part !! That would tell me that it is resin !! Both bone and ivory will age and have a patina over the years !! This has none !! You can also check it with a black light !! Bone and Ivory will glow a blue or blue white if I remember correctly !!


I’m afraid to do the hot pin test. Would a jeweller do that? I’m a newbie, can’t you tell? I’m attempting a couple more pics of the back. Hard to take good ones with cell phone…hopefully one of these works for you. If it’s bone is there any special care for it?
I keep it in a Lladro Collectors Society key case…that’s how it came from my relative.


Thanks for the pics !! Can you try to get a closer shot of the back !! I need to see the structure of those striations !! Looks like it could be bone !! Ivory would not have those striations like that !! Have you done a hot pin test ??


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