1.35K viewsKovels Discussion Board
1.35K viewsKovels Discussion Board

I bought this clock at a thrift store (told by clerk it wasn’t working – checked motor but didn’t try it because when I saw how early the motor was, I didn’t want to possibly hurt it more; patents start in 1933 & last one was given in 1944)
By the motor it was made by Haydom Mtg Co.(an incredible man with over 100 patents I learned while researching the motor!), but it has absolutely no exterior markings – from a clock company (Sessions used Haydom’s clock moters I learned – I also have a Sessions 8 Day Banjo clock) – from a dept. store – nothing!
I don’t know if it was a prototype (it looks like a WWII submarine’s window; maybe they decided it was too much of a reminder of the war? I’d think it’d be a positive reminder – the clock is beautiful & has a military & a 40’s view of the future look to it!
Any help/info/rarity/value, etc would be greatly appreciated.
Link to pic 1: http://i621.photobucket.com/albums/tt291/JourneyMagazine/clockHaydom3.jpg

Link to pic 2: http://i621.photobucket.com/albums/tt291/JourneyMagazine/clockHaydom5.jpg

Link to pic 3: http://i621.photobucket.com/albums/tt291/JourneyMagazine/clockHaydom6.jpg

Thank you!


Again, click on the link & if anyone can tell me about it, I’d be grateful.
I learned a lot about Mr. Haydom; the motor’s inventor, but don’t know how to start to find out about the clock – except for you guys here on Kovel’s!

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