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So, the story goes that my great grandparents brought a huge set of China to the U.S. From Luxembourg. I’ve looked everywhere and have never been able to find this makers mark and the name is really odd. HELP!


What you have there is a set made at the factory of [b]Sommer & Matschak[/b] from the town of [i]Schlaggenwald[/i] (today the Czech town [i]Horní Slavkov[/i]), located in former Austrian Bohemia which in 1918 became part of the newly founded state of Czechoslovakia (today: Czech Republic).

The “name” you see is the country of origin designator. It’s form and appearance are “unusual” (as in: confusing for you) as it was a preliminary version which did not meet international requirements at that time – it’s in German language (not English) and contains a leading [i]C-Hatschek[/i] (a capital ‘C’ with a small ‘v’ above it’, representing the phoneme ‘cz’), a non-Western Latin character.

Following the installment of the first versions of the [i]British Merchandise Act[/i] as well as the [i]US McKinley Tariff[/i] act, politicians and trade experts demanded a clarification towards international markings, finally agreeing that only English language and Western Latin characters should be allowed. This became “official” internationally with the second ammendment to the [i]McKinley Tariff Act[/i] from 1921 (the same ammendment which also demanded the use of “Japan” instead of “Nippon”).

Means: shown mark was used between 1918 and 1921 only.

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