1.50K viewsKovels Discussion Board
1.50K viewsKovels Discussion Board

Hello friends. I recently acquired an Arabia vase, with the marking partially lined out (no idea why!) and it’s a neat little vase. I posted it on some selling sights, no idea really what it was worth, and the response was intense and immediate. It makes me think I have something special but I don’t know where to begin to investigate and what the best site is to sell it if I decide not to keep it. Any thoughts? I’m a novice!


hi, You would just have to keep looking on different sites such as Rubys, Etsy’s,E-Bay, Tias & many more to find something that resembles your’s. To get more info try Gothenburg.com, for a small fee you can join Worthpoint.com & they will estimate your vase. I went into sold list on E-Bay & one just sold for a little over a Thousand, others were as low as $8.00. Majority were $40-60.00. I don’t know of any books unless you would try your library. Try google images of Arabia Finland vases. Can you post a picture?

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