10.88K viewsKovels Discussion Board
10.88K viewsKovels Discussion Board

Does anyone have any information on the attached basket? I am trying to find out where it is from and how old it is.


Hopefully we narrowed the possibilities down a bit !! Very likely you found it in India !! As far as its age best I can do is first half of 20th century !! Utilitarian items are hard to date !! This could have been made in early 1900`s and used until you bought it !! The styles were not changed over the years nor were the baskets discarded in favor of new ones !! So anything I say will be speculative !!


Wow, that is amazing! Yes very similar, and possible. I was in India about 35+ years ago on my way to Tibet and Pakistan. Thank you so much!



Here is one very similarly made and leather covered !! The seller calls it an Indian basket but I am sure he means the country India,, not American Indian !!


Very possible, maybe more Tibetan…but don’t remember…you are doing great, thank you!


My first thought was either Chinese or from Tibet !! Was either of those countries on your list ??

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