5.14K viewsKovels Discussion Board
5.14K viewsKovels Discussion Board

Can someone help clarify what this pretty little pitcher is named?When I bought it I was told it was Presidential Coin Glass,by Fenton,but cannot find info to that effect.


That is the exact pitcher. Thank you very much!


Ahh Haa!! Glad someone knows Avon collectables,,I do not !!
Thanks !!


It looks like a collectible Avon Fostoria “Mount Vernon” Creamer, from around 1976. They sell for around $6 to $7 in excellent condition. More information can be found at the following link: http://avoncollectibleshop.com/avon-fostoria/


The pitcher is about 5 inches tall probably more like a cream pitcher. Around the rim it measures a little more than 10 in;


Yes that helps a bit !! May I ask how big the pitcher is ?? Is it small like a cream pitcher or large like for water or tea ??

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