First post—I tried searching for chalkware and didn’t find anything, so I’m asking for suggestions here.
I have a set of schnauzer wall figurines that belonged to my great aunt who recently died. The beard of the schnauzer, which is supposed to be white, is sort of a beige-tan, most likely from nicotine stains since she was a heavy smoker. Is there any way that I can clean them without the material crumbling? Although probably not worth anything, they are special to me and I would like to display them.
Any advice is greatly appreciated.
If the paint is in good condition and just stained as you wrote…you should have no trouble cleaning it with dawn dish soap water mixture applied gently with a sponge. Test small area first and try not to overly wet the item. Chalkware in good repair can withstand gentle cleaning and unless you drop it in a bucket to soak; it will not crumble. Good luck and their true value is your memories of your Aunt, Teresa