3.94K viewsKovels Discussion Board
3.94K viewsKovels Discussion Board

I recently obtained an antique glass powder jar. It is a cut glass and has daisy like flowers etched. It has a silver lid that has a spot for a monogram. On the lid it says sterling and before the word Sterling it has a mark I can’t identify. It looks almost like a fancy script capital “L” or a British pound sign only it appears to have 2 lines through it.

I don’t know if this is some type of makers mark or a date mark…but so far I have yet to find a definitive answer. Any info is greatly appreciated


First of all,, I have nothing to do with Kovels and neither does anyone else that takes their time to answer these questions !! So if my answer was not what you thought you would get,,do not hold the site at fault !!
If, as you say, you are not inexperienced at this,, you should know that had you found an identical match it would have been worse for any value yours may have !! That would have been similar to a mass produced item which lowers the value even more !! You should have known that these were made by individual artisans who sat and created the pattern and may or may not have ever done another the same way !! Out of hundreds made I do not think I have ever in my 40+ years of dealing in antiques and vintage items seen two identical powder jars unless they were made as a set !!
As to your last comment,, I fail to see how giving honest answers can be considered snarky !! But you are entitled to your opinion and I respect that !!
I still would like to read the other response you mentioned !!

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