5.02K viewsKovels Discussion Board
5.02K viewsKovels Discussion Board

First time on here, so not really sure where to post about a spinning wheel, but here goes:
We picked up a Great Wheel with 4, not the typical 3 legs. We have looked for maker’s marks on the end of the bench, with no luck – however, there are two circles with the 6 petaled flower on the center of the bench.
Does anyone know which maker that would be?
The wheel, bench, posts, legs, MOA and minor’s head are all obviously hand made, using either wooden pegs or hand crafted nails where needed.
The only history we were given was that it was picked up at a swap meet in Oklahoma before ending up in Texas.
Anyone, please feel free to share what you know about these Great Wheels, if you can?



LOL !! And that’s the same thing I have been doing,,trying to get the garden in before the rain !! Just like a flat of peppers and a few other things not critical,,and I am done !! Then the big garden starts !! Corn, peas, beans ect !! Paris is just a few miles from me although its been a few years since I have been there.!!
Here is a link so you can read the replies from the other forum !! May be getting more but one of the members has a 4 leg wheel ,, read his reply !! Looks like we are on the right track !!
I think your pics are fine !!
Looks like the worst weather is going north and south of us,, We are in Mt. Pleasant !!
Last year we got completely washed out !! Am praying that the rains stay moderate this year !! My tomatoes rotted on the vine and even those that I picked as they were turning rotted before they ripened !! Cross your fingers this year and watch the weather where you are !! Could get rough !!
$900. is totally out of reason !! But most of the shops in DFW and your area are priced for buyers from the same area that have no clue what things should sell for !!


I have no problem with you sharing the photo 🙂 If you need a better one, we can even take it outside (after this rain event is over, of course) and take one for you 🙂


So sorry it too so long to reply, had to work on getting the garden in this weekend.

They are separate, side by side. Yes, they are pretty faint!
We just thought it was fairly unique as we could NOT find anything online after we purchased it (it was at an antique store in Paris, Tx.).
Then, just last week we saw one in Burleson, with the standard 3 legs: for [b][i][u]$900.00!![/u][/i][/b] [b]0.0[/b] The minors head was in worse shape than ours was, and, like ours, had no spindle with it. Guess they really loved that wheel, lol!

Oh, and now knowing your location, be careful today with the coming weather!


Forgot to add,,I am in NE Texas about halfway between Dallas and Texarkana !! Hope you don`t mind but I am going to post this wheel on my other forum and get some feedback there !! Will post a link so you can follow it !!


I read through some articles about how to tell good wheels from bad, what to look for when buying ect !! I read through two or three sites !! Let me see if I can remember the search phrase I used and find it again !! There was just a line or two that mentioned the 4 legs !! I gathered that it wasn`t that important how many legs it has !! Give me a little time & I will see if I can find it again !! Have to take care of things around the farm first !!
Are those circles overlapping or separate ?? They are really faint !!

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