1.64K viewsKovels Discussion Board
1.64K viewsKovels Discussion Board

I just received some china from some relatives in Germany who are no longer alive. This china has a small flower not sure if pink or orange and green leaves. On the bottom of all is a crown with an X and on one side of the X is a R and on the other is a C and underneath that is the word “Donatello”. Can you give me some info or background on these. I have a pitcher and numerous cups and saucers and sugar bowl and one for cream.


I can not help you on value; finding such is fairly impossible nowadays. Former relatively constant “book values” (in books available in a given country) have been replaced by a constantly changing online market, with all its pros and cons.

You can try to get an estimate by researching previously sold items and restricting search to the last year or so … still that does not mean that the “value” will remain the same (or increase) in the next five years.

Thing is that sites like replacements.com charge an arm and a leg for an item whilst most online stores sell for much less, hence even that is no constant setting. Thus I never comment on value as it’s worse than fighting windmills, sorry.

If you want to try for yourself, hold the following in mind: the Donatello shape was produced (a) like yours, by [i]Rosenthal & Co.[/i], and (b) by the [i]Rosenthal AG[/i] later (1907+). Which means that you are jumping into a pool with fish from two different periods of production (yours – due to age – should *normally* fetch a higher price).

Another point is the decoration; any value of course depends on item desirability. So what decoration do you actually have there needs to be researched first so that you can compare with other offers. I would suggest that you perhaps take a look at the replacements.com website and check out the images there (but IGNORE the prices they quote, they are nonsense).

I hope that helps a little,


Thank you so much cs marshall. I really thank you for getting back to me so quick. Maybe you can help me one more time. In this china there is a complete tea set including pitcher, creamer and sugar bowl and 12 cups and saucers and another 12 larger plates. Would you have any idea as to how much this is worth. These were handed down from some relatives early 1900 from Sweden and Germany. If you can’t help me then maybe you can direct me into the right direction. I am asking about worth not to sell but to have some kind of info so that I can let my children know. Thank you again and am looking forward to hearing from you.


Manufactured by [b]Rosenthal & Co.[/b] (Selb-Erkersreuth, Bavaria) between 1891 and 1907, [i]Donatello[/i] is the mold/shape name.

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