4.91K viewsKovels Discussion Board
4.91K viewsKovels Discussion Board

Thanks for reading. I hope you can help w/ advice. I have a lot of antiques to sell; many different things. I helped a friend clean his parent’s house and sold some things on e-bay, it was a lot of fun, but it’s just too time-consuming given my current life demands. Now I have some of my own items, and those from my parents that I’d like to sell.

I probably have at least 500 items to sell (at least 20 boxes of ‘stuff’ ). I want to be able to give my friend money for what I believe are some valuable items. I’d like to get good prices for these things; I don’t want to get ripped off or give the items away.

What’s my best approach to sell these things? Auction? Estate Sale? Private buyer/seller to do the legwork? Where to do I start? Who’s reputable? Is now the time?

I live in Monmouth County, New Jersey. THANKS so much for your help!!!


thanks so much for your post. i’m sorry to hear you had such a bad experience. it really is a shame. especially when people need the money…

time is both my friend and foe in this case: i don’t have the time to sell this stuff myself, but i have the time to wait…maybe i will try e-bay again, and check out local consignment stores. thanks for your help.

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