4.92K viewsKovels Discussion Board
4.92K viewsKovels Discussion Board

Thanks for reading. I hope you can help w/ advice. I have a lot of antiques to sell; many different things. I helped a friend clean his parent’s house and sold some things on e-bay, it was a lot of fun, but it’s just too time-consuming given my current life demands. Now I have some of my own items, and those from my parents that I’d like to sell.

I probably have at least 500 items to sell (at least 20 boxes of ‘stuff’ ). I want to be able to give my friend money for what I believe are some valuable items. I’d like to get good prices for these things; I don’t want to get ripped off or give the items away.

What’s my best approach to sell these things? Auction? Estate Sale? Private buyer/seller to do the legwork? Where to do I start? Who’s reputable? Is now the time?

I live in Monmouth County, New Jersey. THANKS so much for your help!!!


My parents had to have an absolute auction for they got power of attorney of an elderly relative that needs assisted living now. We watched many items go for a steal. For example, Hull and Roseville pottery for a fraction of the price it was worth. One piece that we researched and knew was worth $120 went for $4. Also a whole set of Blue Ridge dishes worth close to $2,000 total after adding all pieces, went for $25. 🙁 An old fishing lure on the other hand went for $85 though. We were sickened. Even the furniture went dirt cheap. There was great advertising , it is just the economy. We were told it was a buyers market and the house was also getting sold. They had wished they had kept some things but the money they had hoped to come in was badly needed.
Just be careful with your decision. 😉 Sometimes patience is a virtue. If time is not an issue, obviously you have more options. I would not want anyone to feel the grief my parents did that day.
Ebay and consignment shops are my advice.


My sympathies to you..I have exactly the SAME problem that you do..I too tried ebay but it was too slow.
I have 2 Tuff sheds full of some ok and some “upper-end “garage sale stuff.I had 2 garage sales at my house but they were only moderately sucessful.I live way out in the country.
My understanding is that you can only donate $350 worth of “antiques” per year to charity for the tax deduction unless you have an appraisal. Well I can’t pay an appraiser to come here and go through 500 or so small items.I emailed the tax advocate dept. here in Sacramento for advice, and they never answered me back. (typical govt. agency?)..If you find an answer would you please let me know?..Thanks

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