4.03K viewsKovels Discussion Board
4.03K viewsKovels Discussion Board

Hello! I found some items when my dad passed away and I am hoping to find out more about them. I’ve exhausted all online searchs I can think of but cannot find the pattern. On the back it states: “MZ Altrohlau CM-R Czechoslovakia” The entire front is gold. It measures 7inches by 7.5 inches when you include the small handles on the side. The pattern around the end he seems to include: woman playing harp, a woman dancing, a couple with the male holding a torch and what appear to be palm trees. I will attach pictures. I appreciate any expertise those on you on this site can share. Thank you.

albionbooks Changed status to publish January 22, 2020

You can just post the pics as-is to any of the image sharing sites except Face Book and just post the link !! Might be less trouble !! This site is outdated for pic size !!


That is very interesting. What a wealth of acknowledge you have Friedrich! Thank you for taking the time to share that information.


No matter what I try, I cannot get any of my pictures to load. I will try from my computer at work. I should be able to adjust the file size better.


Your pic didn`t load,, would you mind trying again ??

Some of the mfrs do run together at Replacements.com !! Makes research a bit difficult !!


Searching for a pattern name (if it even existed) is made pretty hard due to the irresponsible way certain companies have actively ruined the background of such items. Hold in mind that most German companies never named their decorations anyway, but that’s a different matter.

In your case you have a piece made at the former factory of [i]Moritz Zdekauer[/i] in [i]Altrohlau[/i] (Austrian Bohemia) which had been previously taken over by the factory of[i] Carolus Magnus Hutschenreuther[/i] from Hohenberg, Bavaria, who was the father of [i]Lorenz Hutschenreuther[/i] from Selb, Bavaria. The latter would have normally only been an irrelevant sidenote, but both [i]Hutschenreuther[/i] factories merged in 1969.

Sites like Replacements.com long chose to merge EVERYTHING, meaning that you may find Zdekauer items there, just like CM-H or L-H, but most items are simply crosslinked/mashed together as “Hutschenreuther”, no matter which mark was used. Not forgetting that they often simply invented/used their own stock codes instead of stating the original manufacturer codes.

It often depends on which item found its way into their archives first and has NOTHING to do with true origin or even naming. For example, the deco you are looking for could be an original MZ deco continued under CM-H but dropped after 1969 -or- an original CM-H deco used ONLY on items at the factory in Altrohlau.

So there is no other way than find out if it’s a genuine factory decoaration or a hobbyist decoration job and then check out ALL (!) related Replacements.com listings. And all that merely to get an irrelevant Replacements.com stock code?

I personally would not bother as it’s not worth the trouble.

Cmse Changed status to publish February 3, 2020
albionbooks Changed status to publish January 22, 2020

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