5.96K viewsKovels Discussion Board
5.96K viewsKovels Discussion Board

Bought that vase while ago but still have not been able to identify the marks[attachment]IMG_20190606_113022.jpg[/attachment][attachment]IMG_20190606_113032.jpg[/attachment][attachment]IMG_20190606_113005.jpg[/attachment][attachment]IMG_20190606_113032.jpg[/attachment]


Very thorough answer. I learned something. Thanks again.


I understand !! Remember the purpose of a makers mark is so you can see who made it !! Usually it will be some form of the factory name or a known logo !! It will never be numbers unless they are a part of that name or logo !! With your vase it would have had a stick on label !! People usually remove them so ID`ing is impossible with the number of things that are exported to other countries for sale !!


Thanks for replying. I always try to identify the items in my collection hence my original question.


Many of the import vases are quite nice !! Have a couple myself !!


Thank you very much for your reply. It is a nice vase kept using for a while now.

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