2.37K viewsKovels Discussion Board
2.37K viewsKovels Discussion Board

I have a brass Chinese Bird Chariot, problem is it has a stamp of Japan on the bottom. Can anyone tell me if items bought in Japan such as a Chinese antiquity and were carried into the USA still had to be stamped “Japan” on the bottom? This item looks “hugely” old……and looks to have had enameling on it at one time.




Here is the link so you can read the opinions !!


I acquired the chariot from an estate sale of an artist who died in the late 80’s. Her husband said she was a world traveler but did not know where she purchased it.


I will try an upload a pic of the word Japan. Looking at the word it looks more like it was painted on than stamped on. The piece is about 9″ high and 8″ long and about 4″ wide.

thank you


Can you show a pic of the Japan mark on it ?? How did you acquire this chariot ?? No,, to my knowledge the McKinley tariff act only applied to where the item was made !!~ Antiquities would be a different ball game !!

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