1.42K viewsKovels Discussion Board
1.42K viewsKovels Discussion Board

I was recently given 130+ M.I.Hummel figurines plus plates and bells to sell to defray the costs of my wife’s cancer surgery and treatments. I read the Terry Kovel article on collecting in my local newspaper so I thought I would start here for some advice.I need to sell these items and don’t have a clue where or how to start. I have catalogged(sp?) the items and have a couple of price guides. Any constructive input would be most appreciated.Thank you in advance.


The market at this point is flooded with Hummels if you check ebay They have 20,537 listed at this point and time. I have a huge collection book valued at over $40,000.00 but todays price about $1,500.00 At one point the factory was closing so antique dealers bought them up like crazy with the idea they would no longer be made. Well someone has purchased the factory and molds and will be producing Hummels again they also hired back many of the workers. So the market is loaded with all these dealers product. Plus the younger generation of collectors do not seem to be interested in Hummels. Hopefully the market & prices will return but I do not think that will happen for many many years. Prayers to you & your wife.

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