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the plate is brown.


OK !! This one is a stumper !! I found several other plates identical in design but with different historical scenes !! One was the Ride of Paul Revere,, Don`t Give Up the Ship,, and another was The Landing of R. Williams 1636 and another of Whirlpool Rapids !! So this may be one of a series or not !! Still undecided on that !! They were made in two colors,,blue and brown !! Some call it Liberty Blue but can`t verify if that was the actual color name the factory used !! All of the plates I found had the same banner and mark and since it had England added below the banner and to the factory name we know that it was made after 1891 and was intended for export to the U.S. !!
Odd thing is there is very little about the Royal Fenton pottery itself and I did not find an owners name !! I know it was a small pottery compared to others in the region !!
All the other plates I saw were copied from steel engravings !! I am wondering if an engraving of this scene was done for the DAR and that is where this picture came from !! If that is the case the “Plate” referred to could be the steel engraving plate rather than this pottery plate and the copyright of 1908 would be for the engraving on steel plate !!
But this is all supposition !! I suggest you write to that chapter of the DAR and ask their historian if they are familiar with this piece !!
I have someone in the UK who works with museums and may know more about this particular pottery and its history !! I will see what I can find out there !!

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