1.73K viewsKovels Discussion Board
1.73K viewsKovels Discussion Board

I can see numerous requests for help on this site, & a lot of these are viewed but very few are actually get a response. Does anyone know of a site where one can submit a respectable photo (not limited to less than a “thumbnail”)of an artifact, with a question & actually get some feedback?B)


Sorry I was not talking about this forum. This forum does not get many replies lots of questions but not many answers. Click on the blue highlighted http:// address, that is the new forum I was talking about Antique-shop.com That is the one that is very active that I have been a member of for years. You will get answers there!!!


I agree that it’s a very active site but for more than two years [u]none[/u] of my inquiries has been answered, regardless of the artifact.:( Only recently I decided to “join” hoping for a better response but couldn’t even upload a thumbnail image because it was “too big” It was 18K! How much detail can be seen with such a small image?


This is a wonderful forum and I have been a member for years it is a very active site with lots of great input & info.


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