2.35K viewsKovels Discussion Board
2.35K viewsKovels Discussion Board

I’m trying to identify the pottery on this cheese / butter dish with lid. I can’t read the mark — I think i’ts something that ends in “Mount.” Thank you for your help.


No,, I looked at the mark on the one on ebay and checked the history !! Wrong mark Paramount used PPC impressed marks !! Yours is rather sloppily stamped on !!


Could that be Paramount Pottery? There’s a similar shaped one for sale on Ebay currently.
Item #151724388425


I can not see the word “mount” in it !! The first letter looks like an N, the next two letters are a blur after that looks like court or count !! I thought possibly Newcourt pottery or something similar !! I have looked through every list I can find and nothing matches with “mount” as the last part but I am still looking !! Can you put a drop of water over the name and let it sit a minute then take another pic ?? Maybe that will darken the letters enough to read !!

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