3.26K viewsKovels Discussion Board
3.26K viewsKovels Discussion Board

I have now tried twice to post something for assistance with and after I have put all the effort into my posting and loaded the image when I go to submit it, It says Im not logged in and asks me to do so. [b]Therefore I lose all my work and have to start all over.[/b] Its really starting to piss me off. It did the same thing earlier when I was filling out my profile stuff and I was trying to find a picture for my avitar. Whats with the short (really short) time allotment between actions. Its crazy. And so very frustrating. Is it always like this and is there a secret to fixing it or what?[color=#FF0000][/color]:angry:


Glad to hear that its not just my annoyed butt. If I wanted to know ebay prices, I would look it up on eBay.

What Im looking for price wise here you cant find on eBay because its actually rare, for one, and completely authentic.

I want to know what its actual value is.I have documented paperwork with my objects. Its history and roots have been tracked and traced for over 130 years. I want to know its real worth. Not what some half wit thinks he can get for it down the block.
So if thats what Im gonna get let me know. I was told a refered on the notion that I could get knownlegable info on this site.

Is that the case or not?:huh:

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