3.26K viewsKovels Discussion Board
3.26K viewsKovels Discussion Board

I have now tried twice to post something for assistance with and after I have put all the effort into my posting and loaded the image when I go to submit it, It says Im not logged in and asks me to do so. [b]Therefore I lose all my work and have to start all over.[/b] Its really starting to piss me off. It did the same thing earlier when I was filling out my profile stuff and I was trying to find a picture for my avitar. Whats with the short (really short) time allotment between actions. Its crazy. And so very frustrating. Is it always like this and is there a secret to fixing it or what?[color=#FF0000][/color]:angry:


My sentiments exactly very unfriendly site fix it?


I copies my pictures over to Word. The picture can be larger when you do that and the whole document takes up less space than jpg or anything else I found. Be sure to save it as Word 2003 (doc) because the newer Word versions won’t go through.


I’ve been a member a while now and I still have tons of trouble getting my pictures down to 50kb, and yes you loose all the info if your download doesn’t go through, it’s a pain in the a__!
Yes you download your pictures to your computer then you have to change the size of the picture without turning it into something so small and messed up you can’t see it. Then you have to hope it’s a small enough file size so when you download to this site it works or you loose all your info!:angry:
You would think such a high profile site would offer a program that would be really easy to use to change your pictures to the 50kb size.


I know. I’m not at all sure of what’s what. I got on this website to identify some china and it immediately told me I have to subscribe to something in order for them to help me. So I’m still kinda just clicking away until I find that this website will be worth me subscribing to anything. I think if you are trying to post pictures you would have to download them to your computer and then maybe create a file within this website. I haven’t clicked around enough yet to figure it out. I hope it’s working itself out for you.


I had tried the same thing to post pictures and the site wouldn’t respond. I think I am more disappointed than anything because I have received no reply to the posts I was finally able to put in the discussion forum. I was told about how great this forum was and there would be people here to help me with my questions. Like that has happened 🙁

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