1.03K viewsKovels Discussion Board
1.03K viewsKovels Discussion Board

Hi! My name is Susan. I am from Alabama and currently a stay at home mommy to my 2yo old daughter and housewiving for a living after recently unexpectedly lost my job. I absolutely love it but, now My husband and I have a much tighter budget. We have recently started going to yard sales & flea markets with the hopes of finding great deals to hopefully resale and make extra $$$. I have found lots of unique stuff however, I don’t know much about some of my finds. I am hoping that maybe someone would know of a forum, message board, or website that will let me post pics of my finds and hopefully other traesure hunters will help me learn the things I don’t know. I would love to be able to share my knowledge with others while they helped me. If anybody can help, repost. Thanks everyone for all your help

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