949 viewsKovels Discussion Board
949 viewsKovels Discussion Board

Trying to find a good home for an antique, so I’m selling it on ebay. Am I allowed to post, let’s say, a link to the listing? Thanks. Ed


Ed, not only did you ask the same question here before, you also posted in various other forums that I also frequently visit.

Do us – and yourself – a favour and stop trying to advertize your sales. This forum (and the other forums you posted in) are not your own private eBay advertizing platforms.

I am sure that you do not want people dumping you on their blacklists or requesting that the forum moderators ban you for advertizing and disruption of service, both bannable offenses as mentioned in the Kovels forum terms of service that you accepted when you registered here.

If every second person trying to sell on eBay posted links to their auctions, we would soon not be able to discuss the matters for which this forum was created.

Thank you.

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