861 viewsKovels Discussion Board
861 viewsKovels Discussion Board

So I have inherited a massive turtle collection of all sorts. I have thousands of turtle everything, porcelain, silver, a big shell, you name it. I have no Idea what to do with it, is there anyway to wholesale the whole collection? I wouldn’t know where to go, otherwise I am going to have to retail it piece by piece and it will take me forever. Any advice would help, I have pics of all of it, Thanks!


When you have a massive collection of anything and the person want’s no part of it then the only way to dump it and put a little money in your pocket is go to your local auctioneer and put it in an auction. All you would have to do is load it up, take it to the auction and after sale the auctioneer takes his cut (20-25%) and rest of money is your’s. Not only does this help you but it also goes to people who will perserve and love the items from the person who oringinally perserved and loved it.

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