1.70K viewsKovels Discussion Board
1.70K viewsKovels Discussion Board

I bought a white wall plate at a thrift store. On the front, in blue letters, are all the Meissen marks from the “AR” monogram to 1934. The last mark is blue crossed swords with “0072” 1934 “ab” written underneath them. On the back is the blue under glaze crossed swords in the middle of the plate. In the far upper right is a very small “72”. On the lower right is a very small stamped “N 11” As it says above I have exhausted every resource I have access to and cannot find it.

Anonymous Changed status to publish January 19, 2020


Need to see front and back close enough to read please !! Sounds like a commemorative plate !! Is it like any of the above ??

Anonymous Changed status to publish January 19, 2020

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