838 viewsKovels Discussion Board
838 viewsKovels Discussion Board

Hi, I just bought this watch at a yard sale and I’m having a hard time making out and recognizing the name brand on the watch. The name is written very small and is a bit faded. I took a few shots of the watch with my micro lens on my camera, but I’m unable to recognize it still. I believe it starts with an H but I’m unsure of the other letters.

If anybody could help identify this watch I’d greatly appreciate it. I’ve uploaded some photos to my google drive to preserve quality. Here’s the link: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B2cow3MGR7SMfnN6elF6V3c0V1BFbWVtSlMxVV90V0M1MUNTU0tOR2kzWk93aThXREJKbzA&usp=sharing


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