1.33K viewsKovels Discussion Board
1.33K viewsKovels Discussion Board

Hi.. This is a San Francisco music box, dated 1990. I contacted the company, said it is retired and could not tell me anything..I sent them a picture and still nothing. I tried to find online with no luck.. Any help here will be appreciated. My first time here, I hope the px. image is not too large. If so, will try to make smaller.. Music Box has a drawer in front that opens up and can be used for jewelry, etc. Thanks


I want to know what it is worth.. I am positive on the year ,as it is copyrighted on bottom, 1990. I feel ridiculous that I could not upload picture, as I have done that so many times for other reasons.
The item has a porcelain face and hands, black vintage type material and ecru lace and is called San Francisco Jester Music box. Thanks for replying.


Are you correct in your year 1990? What do you want to know? It is probably a souveneir made in China. They have been making jewelry boxes for eons with music boxes.

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