4.08K viewsKovels Discussion Board
4.08K viewsKovels Discussion Board

[color=#000000]New member and trying to learn the forum details. Have participated in forums before, so some of this is familiar but lots of other questions as I try to get the hang of it here. I have printed off and read the Forum Help Guidelines but do not find the answers to my questions in there. Is there a more in depth source of info. pertaining to the forum itself? Just for starters:
1. WHY is my text in this new thread red when I selected black?
2. Posts that indicate they have three, four replies, etc but when I click on the post to read it, there are no replies shown. ???
3. WHY are some of the icons to the left of the Topics GREEN and some of them are BLUE? All replies and help will be appreciated.

This will be my first post and I guess it is a text to see if I have created and submitted it correctly. Thanks for your time!


This is the most aggravating site !! Typed two paragraphs and it failed to post,,can not backtrack to find it !! But I can answer another of your questions now !! If you use the Quick Reply what you type will be in black,,if you use just the Reply,,or Reply to Topic the letters are in red !! Submitted replies are all in black,,I think !!
Since you are new to antiques and the collecting or buying and selling world I would suggest that you join www.antique-shop.com !! It is a much more active forum and everyone there is more than willing to help !! No reason you can not be a member of more than one forum.
A question, if I may,,are you in Texas ?? Noticed the TX in your name,,just curious !! I am in NE Texas and our moderator at antique-shop is in the DFW area !!
As to the error message you see,, it has been there as long as I have been a member here !! Have no clue what it means !!

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