1.96K viewsKovels Discussion Board
1.96K viewsKovels Discussion Board

I need just some information. I have local newspapers from days we will all remember such as 9-11-2001. Are these considered copyright materials? Also magazines from other days that will stand out in our lives forever.
Thank You! dckellogg


I’m afraid that newspaper’s and magazines just are not worth much at all. All what you mention have been tape recorded on vcr’s etc. I know princess Diana’s funeral was taped by million’s along with 9-11. Younger people can get pictures and stories off the internet. Even older history making articles do not bring any interest at auctions like Life magazines etc. What does sell for small amount’s is articles on celebrities such as Elvis Pressly, Marilyn Monroe etc. Not to many people even care about JFK’s assination newspapers. Sorry but that’s the world we live in now.


Thank you very much for that information. Now,where might I locate information on value of newspapers and magazines from those dates in history like 9-11. I am in Oklahoma City, and I have a couple of newspapers(Daily Oklahoman)from April 20,1994, the Murrah Building Bombing that so deeply affected all of us here in OK and around the world. Also have one on “Princess Diannas'” passing, And “Jackie O”, and the day the “Columbia” perished. Have one from November 4, 1992 (Daily Oklahoman) “Clinton Wins”.
Thank you again. I am totally out of touch on such values, but those things were all very important to me!
They are all in excellent condition and currently enveloped in acid free plastic holders.


I’m not an lawyer but I think not. Any pictures or stories in newspaper and magazines are sold to the owners, they are then printed and then sold to you. Therefore you can do with them what you want. I see many pictures cut out and framed from magazines such as old car’s, cat’s, scenery etc. and sold at car show’s and flea market’s. Same with old postcards, traded and sold everyday on e-bay and auctions including reprinted photo’s. There is some copyright’s in regards to professional Phtographers pictures, but that’s another story. If I’m wrong I’m sure somebody will correct me.

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