1.27K viewsKovels Discussion Board
1.27K viewsKovels Discussion Board

I am writing to ask for some feedback on an idea I have had for quite some time now, and not sure if it would be something that would sell well in the antiques world. I absolutely love to to go antiquing and have realized while in the field, whether it be an auction, garage sale, estate sale, etc., there are always times when I am in need of a certain ” tool of the trade”, and usually don’t have it with me or didn’t think to bring it. So I was surfing the internet for an
“ANTIQUE INSPECTION KIT” to no avail. So I thought it would be a great idea to put this type of kit together and have it all in a small travel size bag that would hold all of the tools so that I would have them all handy when I happened to need them while out treasure hunting. I thought this might be a great item to put together and sell so that others could have all their tools with them as well. So, I thought about what might be needed and so far have come up with the following list. I would like to know if you fellow antique lovers would ever consider buying this type of kit? If so, what price would you be willing to pay to get all these items together at one time, without having to go out and purchase each tool individually? The kit would include the following:

* 2 eye loupes with different magnifications ( to check for markings)
* blacklight (to look for imperfections in paintings and other paper items)
* flashlight (so you can see in dark areas)
* small screwdrivers (you never know when you might make that furniture purchase you can’t live without)
* small wrench (for the same reasons listed above)
* strong magnet (to test certain metals)
* tape measure ( you need to make sure what you buy will fit in that perfect space you have in mind)
* telescoping (extention) mirror (to see all the areas of an item that are too difficult to reach)
* notebook (have to keep track of all the great buys and any other helpful information you might need to remember)
* bag for all the items ( you have to keep them all together for all your outings)

I would offer some specialty items separately. Such as a jewelry scale or testing equipment, because they would be unique to only certain types of collections.
Any further ideas/suggestions would be welcome and greatly appreciated:) I just want to hear from you, so that I will know if it’s something I want to continue with or think of something else.
Thank you for your time and help!


I appreciate your feedback. Thank you very much:)


Well, I am the only one here trying to help but I think something like that might be helpful to beginning collectors/buyers !! I would not put in the extension mirror because there is little use for it as well as the screwdriver and wrench !! I have been doing this for 40 years and have never needed either when shopping !! Us oldies can look and tell if its a good one or not and when dealing with antiques you do not start messing with the construction !! A stripped screw can cost you money !! If the price is reasonable and it is kept small so you can throw it in a purse or pocket,, may be a good ebay seller !!

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