1.41K viewsKovels Discussion Board
1.41K viewsKovels Discussion Board

I have a set of old original Marlboro Man Posters. They are contained in a tube that looks like a cigarette (it has some slight water marks on it). Ihere are five inside. It was a premium in the old days.
One of them is the original Marlboror Man who died of lung cancer.
Searches I do online get me to modern posters. I found an archive at L&M which listed it but no other info. I think lots of stuff showing smoking has been supressed since the ban. Anyone have any interest or information?


Cigarettes are unhealthy due to the tar and inhalation of smoke. In fact, any form of inhalation of smoke is bad whether it is cigarettes, cigars or even alternative forms of smoking like hookah. Electronic cigarettes eliminate the presence of smoke allowing individuals to still smoke in the nicotine without consuming the harmful tar. This in itself is proof that electronic cigarettes help in the quitting of traditional smoking with the same concept of nicotine gum, inhalers and patches work.

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