778 viewsKovels Discussion Board
778 viewsKovels Discussion Board

Hi:) I’m a newbie and would like to add a post, but am unsure of how to add photos. Any kind help would be appreciated. Thanks. Kev


You have two possibilities:

(1) you have the image on your PC and upload it to this forum using the “SELECT IMAGE FILE TO ATTACH” method located under the text input window. This method is easy, but highly restricted (max. 499×499 pixels, max. 50kB file size).

(2) you have the image uploaded to some image hoster or your own website. In that case, you add the image into your post by adding the link to your image encased in the required URL tags, which then looks like this:


… that creates a simple link in your post that viewers can click on to open the image. This method is best for large images.

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