1.50K viewsKovels Discussion Board
1.50K viewsKovels Discussion Board

I came across and purchased a metal canister that looks like a small hand sized fire extinguisher. I says “Rich Burn Oil” For minor burns and sunburn. MFD by Rich Laboratories Lebanon P.A. Distributed by Allied Safety Equipment Inc.

I can not find any info on the internet other than this small excerpt about a lawsuit in the ’50s about misleading information.
Has anyone else ever seen this item? I’ve never even seen another product packaged like this before.
I wouldn’t even know what to value this item at.
$50? $500? $5000? To me it’s priceless because so far it’s one of a kind. …..just curious.


Wow, you’re a great help. Thanks for all your knowledge and expertise. I have as many posts as you do now.

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