I have purchased a dining set, table,6chairs,hutch and side board. I have found info on the company, but cannot find any furniture to compare the likeness to for a ballpark guess-timate. My set is quite ornate and the feet are lion paws… while the table has lion paws there is also a glass foot under the feet. If anyone can help me with a guess-timate, i would really appreciate this. I would like to know if it is worth insuring ?? I have more pics if anyone can help…
thank you [img size=192]https://kovels.com/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/IMG_2665asmall.jpg[/img]
Hi, I’ll give you my figure. 31 years ago My hubby and I purchased a table with claw feet and 6 chairs very simular to your’s w/two leaves for $510.00 plus $275.00 for beautiful sideboard. Total $785.00 from an antique shop. Even though it was 31 yrs. ago I think that price would be about the same today. Jobs were plentiful back then. i have seen beautiful dining room sets and china cupboards today at auctions going so cheap it’s actuslly sad. We never worried about getting any extra ins.