3.02K viewsKovels Discussion Board
3.02K viewsKovels Discussion Board

I have this wonderful piece I am researching and can not find any info on it. Any help would be aprreciated. Thank you!
trying to upload photo. No success. The piece of pottery has an oblong circle shaped like a bone with arrow pointing down through the middle and a R on one side and S on the other side. It has two key shaped holes on either side of the dish. Gold inlay with a tapestry look to the finish. Colors are pink blue yellow and brown lines. Six plus signs


I am not being able to create a new topic, so I am trying to reply, this is a test. When starting a new topic, files are uploaded, but no “Your message was sent” info, rather I am redirected back to edit the message?
Edit: the above was written from Chrome browser, now trying from Firefox, still creating a new topic does not work. I am trying to find a workaround.

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