2.03K viewsKovels Discussion Board
2.03K viewsKovels Discussion Board

Hi me again lol got this new lot today and one of the items was this small 7cm high carved model of a camel passing through a spiked hoop, it looks like the holes in the hoop originally had something inside as a couple of the holes looks like something has snapped of. Item is made in 3 parts with a screw holding the 3 pieces together. What i cannot figure is why a camel inside a ring, the only reference i can maybe find is a bible reference to a camel passing through an eye of a needle. Also what would a rough value be as am selling in my shop on etsy for £ 25 and dont know if its wishful thinking or im underpricing myself and yes i know the pre 1972 rule on ivory.


That ring looks strangely like a tractor tire !! Are you sure it is ivory and not bone ??

Never thought of it like that but if its a tractor tyre lol think how big the tractor is? Lol

Not sure at all look at it 60x magnification and it has a fingerprint style grain running through it and it has a couple of burn marks on edge so could be bone instead of ivory am really not sure

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