5.97K viewsKovels Discussion Board
5.97K viewsKovels Discussion Board

Honestly, I cannot believe I am paying for this website. It is possibly the least informative site out there. I end up finding out more information on Google image search. Someone needs to update the search coding on this site — BADLY!!!


Hi there Martha and welcome to the forum !! I would have certainly advised you to save your money !! Prices here are very old and outdated and do not reflect todays market !! Your plate only shows one that has been sold recently on ebay international !! I looked over many listings to see what the range was and found them from $10. to $85. of course that is “asking” price not “getting” price !! China and pottery in general has taken a dive lately !! Your plate was made between 1863 and 1878,, not sure but some say its a creamware base !! Would have to check on that further but likely it would not affect the value either way !! This pattern sells slightly better in the cobalt blue than in the red !! Even so the only one I found that sold recently was priced and sold at $22.95 !! Now it might do better on Etsy than on ebay and if these were mine I would price the plate at $35. and the larger serving platter at $45. !! This price is slightly above market but you can always reduce the price later if you wish !! Easier to come down than to go up so always price a bit on the high side !! People like to dicker on price and that gives you room to do so !! And when you knock a few dollars off an item they tend to be return customers and that is what you want !!
Hope they do well for you !! I will keep my fingers crossed !!
When posting pics for Q&A if you could always take a pic of front and back it would be helpful !! Sometime you can tell more from looking at the back than at the front !!

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