5.97K viewsKovels Discussion Board
5.97K viewsKovels Discussion Board

Honestly, I cannot believe I am paying for this website. It is possibly the least informative site out there. I end up finding out more information on Google image search. Someone needs to update the search coding on this site — BADLY!!!


Don`t worry about getting frustrated,, we all do that on occasion !! Post a closer pic of the tureen and one of the bottom marking if it has one and we will see if we can find it !! This one is a bit small to see it well !!
Are you located here in the U.S. ?? The trend recently has been more with primitives and anything old and rusty !! So when you are looking around at garage sales, flea markets ect keep that in mind !!
China that would do well a few years ago is almost impossible to sell today !! There is just too much available !! Do some research on ebay to see what is moving and what is not !! That will tell you what people are paying for an item !! No matter what the asking prices are,, if they are getting no bids or watchers I would save my money !! You do not want to tie money up in an item that you can`t sell.!! Look to see what is selling and keep your eyes open for those !!
Just a few tips to help !! Hope you do not mind !!

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